At the end of April we held our first meeting with the new TAYO committee. We were able to discuss our vision for the future and make plans for the coming years. We also were able to meet with the General Secretary of ACT and discuss the future of TAYO with him. Since this meeting we have developed a new strategic plan for TAYO for the next 3 years. The picture shows the committee together with the General Secretary, ACT and the youth projects officer, ACT at Kemmy Lodge in Dodoma where the meeting was held.
Mwishoni mwa mwezi wa 4 tulifanya kikao cha kwanza cha kamati mpya ya TAYO. Tuliweza kuongelea kuhusu maono yetu na kuweka mipango ya miaka ijao. Pia tulikutana na Katibu Mkuu wa KAT na kujadiliana naye kuhusu TAYO. Baada ya kikao tumeandika Mpango mkakati mpya wa TAYO kwa miaka mitatu ijao. Picha hii inaonyesha kamati tendaji ya TAYO pamoja na Katibu Mkuu, KAT na Afisa Miradi wa Vijana, KAT. Tulifanyia kikao Kemmy Lodge, Dodoma.
This year we are planning a national youth conference which will be held on the 13th -17th September at St. John's University. Young people and youth leaders from every diocese have been invited and we expext to have over 700 participants. The aim of the conference is to encourage the young people and to increase unity. The conference will include bible teaching and teaching in a range of different subjects relevant to young people in Tanzania. There will also be a chance for the youth choirs to sing and praise God and a sports competition. The key bible verse for the conference is Romans 12:18 ".... live at peace with everyone". Please pray for all the preparations for this event and for God's blessings on it.
Mwaka huu tunapanga kufanya Kongamano la Vijana la Jimbo litakalofanyika tarehe 13-17 Septemba katika chuo kikuu cha St. John. Vijana na viongozi wao kutoka kila dayosisi wamealikwa na tunategemea kuwa na wajumbe zaidi ya 700. Lengo la kongamano ni kuwatia moyo vijana na kujenga umoja. Tutakuwa na mafundisho ya neno la Mungu na katika mada mbalimbali zinazohusu vijana wa Tanzania. Pia kutakuwa vipindi vya uimbaji na mashindano ya michezo. Neno kuu la kongamano ni kutoka Warumi 12:18 ".... mkae katika amani na watu wote". Tunaomba maombi yenu katika maandalizi yote na tunaomba baraka za Mungu kwa ajili ya kongamano hilo.
We are currently trying to raise funds for this event. Each participating diocese will contribute but after this we will still have a deficit of around £2,500. We would be grateful for any contribution you are able to make on our just giving page Please indicate that your contribution is for the youth conference. The pictures show our youth conference in 2009 which was the last time we were able to put on a national conference
Sasa tunatafuta fedha kwa ajili ya tukio hili. Kila dayosisi itachangia lakini bado tutakuwa na upungufu wa kama TSh. milioni 5. Tutakushukuru sana ukiweza kuchangia kupitia "just giving" Ukichangia uonyeshe ni kwa ajili ya kongamano. Picha hizi zinaonyesha kongamano la vijana la mwaka 2009, mara ya mwisho tulipoweza kufanya kongamano la jimbo.