Thursday, September 20, 2012

ACT TAYO National Youth Conference

From 13th - 17th September we held a national youth conference at St. John's University, Dodoma. Over 500 young people attended together with their leaders and they came from many different areas of the country, representing 21 of the 27 dioceses of the Anglican Church of Tanzania. The conference included teaching from God's Word and on a variety of different subjects affecting the youth of the church in Tanzania. The theme of the conference was "live at peace with everyone" (Romans 12:18) Many of the groups attending were youth choirs and so one day was devoted to a music festival in which each choir sang a song that they had written based on the main theme as well as other songs. We also had sports competitions in football and netball, the Southern zone winning netball and the Coast and Eastern zone winning football.

(Tarehe 13-17 Septemba 2012 tulikuwa na kongamano la vijana la jimbo, lililofanyika katika St. John's University, Dodoma. Zaidi ya vijana 500 pamoja na viongozi wao walihudhuria na walitoka sehemu nyingi za bara na visiwani (Zanzibar), Tanzania, wakiwakilisha dayosisi 21 kati ya madayosisi 27 ya Kanisa Anglikana Tanzania. Katika kongamano hili tulikuwa na mafundisho ya Neno la Mungu na katika mada mbalimbali zinazohusu vijana wa kanisa Tanzania. Neno kuu la kongamano ilikuwa "Mkae katika amani na watu wote (Warumi 12:18) Vikundi vingi vilivyohudhuria vilikuwa vikundi vya kwaya na siku 1 tulikuwa na tamasha la uimbaji. Kila kwaya iliimba wimbo 1 wa neno la kongamano pamoja na nyimbo nyingine. Pia kulikuwa mashindano ya michezo ya mpira wa miguu na mpira wa pete (netball). Kanda ya kusini walikuwa washindi katika mpira wa pete, na kanda ya Pwani na Mashariki katika mpira wa miguu.)

TAYO Chairman, Johnson Mgimba, Archbishop of Tanzania, Most Rev. Dr. Valentino Mokiwa, VC St. John's University of Tanzania, Professor Mwaluko, General Secretary, ACT, Rev. Dr. Dickson Chilongani

The conference was opened by the bishop Rt. Rev. Baji and closed by the asrcbishop of Tanzania, Most Rev. Dr. Valentino Mokiwa with the General Secretary of ACT, Rev. Dr. Dickson Chilongani We were also warmly welcomed to the University by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Mwaluko and Professor Kamwaya.
(Kongamano lilifunguliwa na Rt. Rev. Askofu Baji na kufungwa na Askofu Mkuu wa Tanzania, Most Rev. Dr. Valentino Mokiwa, pamoja na Katibu Mkuu, KAT, Rev. Dr. Dickson Chilongani. Pia tulikaribishwa sana katika chuo kikuu na Vice Chancellor, Professor Mwaluko, pamoja na Professor Kamwaya.)

Football Competition
The conference was a great success and was a great opportunity for young Christians from across Tanzania to come together in fellowship. We are very grateful to all those who supported us financially and in prayer to make this event possible. God Bless you.

Preacher Rev. Canon George Chiteto
(Kongamano lilikuwa na mafanikio makubwa sana na ilikuwa nafasi nzuri kwa vijana wa kikristo kutoka sehemu nyingi za Tanzania kushirki kwa pamoja. Tunawashukuru wale wote waliotusaidia kifedha na katika maombi ili kutuwezesha kufanya kongamano. Mungu awabariki sana.)

School of Music and Worship

The whole group with certificates
From August 6th -28th 2012 we held a school of music for young Christian musicians, aimed at encouraging them in their ministry and helping them to increase their musical skills and knoweledge as well as giving them an understanding of the importance of music ministry in the church. The school was held at St. John's University in Dodoma and 25 students attended from 8 different dioceses across the Anglican Church. 
Students practising the guitar

Ev. Musa Njagamba teaching piano
We were also joined by students from different denominations including Lutheran, Pentecostal and Roman Catholic and it was a great blessing to share with such a wide range of people. The course was taught by Meraby Kaimukilwa, from the music school of Ruhija Academy in Bukoba, Tanzania, together with Evangelist Musa Ngajamba, and Youth Development Consultant for ACT, Christine Salaman.

Ev. Musa Njagamba
Subjects taught included music theory, song writing, playing guitar and piano, history of music, using music in church and singing. Each day also included teaching from God's Word, praise and worship. The course was a huge success and of great benefit and blessings to all the students.

(Tarehe 6-28 Agosti 2012 tuliendesha shule ya muziki kwa ajili ya vijana wa kikristo ambao ni wanamuziki, ili kuwatia moyo katika huduma yao na kuwasaidia kuongeza ujuzi na uelewa wao katika muziki pamoja na kuwasaidia kuelewa umuhimu wa huduma ya muziki katika kanisa. Shule hiyo ilifanyika katika St. John's University, Dodoma na wanafunzi 25 walihudhuria kutoka madayosisi 8 ya kanisa Anglikana Tanzania. Pia wanafunzi wengine walitoka madhehebu mbalimbali kwa mfano Kilutheri, Pentekoste na RC na tulibarikiwa sana kushirikiana na watu mbalimbali tofauti. 

Christine Salaman teaching

Meraby Kaimukilwa teaching Guitar

Students in Class
Shule ilifundishwa na Meraby Kaimkilwa wa shule ya muziki, Ruhija Academy, Bukoba, pamoja na Mwinjilisti Musa Njagamba na Mshauri wa Maendeleo ya Vijana, ACT, Christine Salaman. Masomo yaliyofundiwa yalikuwa theory ya muziki, kutunga nyimbo, kucheza gitaa na kinanda, historia ya muziki, ufanisi wa kutumia vyombo katika ibada, na uimbaji. Pia kila siku tulikuwa na mafundisho ya Neno la Mungu na vipindi vya sifa na kuabudu. Shule ilikuwa na mafanikio makubwa na iliwasaidia na kuwabariki sana wanafunzi wote.)
Prize winning students with their teachers